FOI Request - Care Experienced Children Statistics

Request 101003661874

I would like to request the latest statistics around care experienced children (0-18) in your locality please. Please provide information on; -

1. The number of children who are under Child Protection Register

2.  The number of all care experienced children and the breakdown of the type of care they are under (e.g., at home with parents, kinship, foster carer, with prospective adopters etc) -

3.  As above but for under 5s -

The number of (or percentage of) care experienced children who have disabilities - As above but for under 5s The statistics could be at the point of this request or if you have data that has been collated last year, that would be adequate for the purpose of my study.

Response 21-11-2024 

1. As at 21 November 2024 – 65 children  -  Please note that not all children who are on the CPR are care experienced.  This is an At Risk Register and not a formal care option.

2. There are 177 Children currently looked after
• 54 in foster care including prospective adopters;
• 23 in residential care including secure;
• 46 in kinship care;
• 40 at home with parents under s.83 Compulsory Supervision Order;
• 8 Unaccompanied Asylum Seekers in supported accommodation
• 6 children who receive respite or short-term care

3. There are 30 children
• 19 in foster care including prospective adopters;
• 6 at home with parents/carers under s.83 Compulsory Supervision Order;
• <5* in kinship care

*The low numbers associated with this response may result in the identification of individuals. Therefore numbers between 1 and 5 have
been redacted and marked with <5 instead. This response is exempt under Section 38(1)(b) of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - personal

4. 37 have a disability

5. None under 5 have a disability

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