FOI Request - Council Owned Vehicles

Request 101003660980

1. To ask the council how many vehicles it owns or is in control of through arms-length entities and how many are LEZ compliant.

2. To ask how many of those vehicles are involved in waste disposal/waste services

3. To ask how many vehicles have been converted to LEZ compliance so far and how much it has cost.

4.And to ask how many vehicles are yet to be converted to LEZ compliance and how much that will cost.

5. How much has it so far cost to introduce the LEZ zone policy, if it has been instituted or if it is being considered.  This would include all costs including appointment of external contractors over preparation or consideration including feasibility.

Response 18-11-2024

1. 502 and 465 are LEZ compliant

2. Waste disposal 76 and waste services 71

3. 0 vehicles therefore cost is £0

4. 0 vehicles therefore cost is £0

5. Not introduced or planned.      

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