FOI Request - Wellness and Mental Health Applications
Request 101003660359
1. Product or Supplier for Wellbeing and Mental Health Applications
a) Do you have a product or supplier for a digital wellbeing and mental health applications (mobile app or online programme)?
2. Contractual Arrangements
a) If so, please supply details of the contractual arrangements in place, including:
i) Date of Award
ii) Award End Date
iii) Details of any Framework used or a link to the advertisement
iv) Contract value
v) Current Supplier
3. Plans for Future Procurement
a) If there is an existing product or supplier, please indicate the plans for future procurement of this product.
4. Employee Assistance Programme (EAP)
a) EAP providers details
5. Responsible Individual
a) Please confirm the individual responsible for managing your wellness and mental health application contract or wider wellbeing and mental health contracts, including their:
i) Contact details
ii) Role title
Response 20-11-2024
1.a) Health and social care alongside NHS Grampian have shared contracts for things like the prevent suicide app - and silvercloud for psychological support/self help for anxiety and depression. Social Work do not have anything specifically. Adult Mental Health are about to begin work with the digital innovation project to determine if there are projects that may be beneficial for Moray. There is the third sector Moray Wellbeing Hub that hosts a website called 'Discover Pathways' that lists information of local resources to support MH and Wellbeing. This is not owned or commissioned by the Moray Council, though.
2. Contractual arrangements for the prevent suicide app etc. on is dealt with by NHS and therefore not held. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.
3. Moray Digital Innovation Project is underway. It is not a commissioned or procurement workstream though.
4. Time For Talking
5. See response to Question 2.