FOI Request - Teacher Recruitment Process and Assessment Criteria

Request 101003660331

I would like to request detailed information regarding the recruitment process for teaching positions within your local authority for the years 2022 to 2024. Specifically, I would like to obtain the following information:

1. City-Wide Recruitment Advertisements:

a) For each year from 2022 to 2024, please provide details of when you have advertised externally or internally for city-wide recruitment.

b)From these advertisements,
i)how many permanent contracts were issued?
ii)how many temporary contracts were issued?

2. Scoring System for Teacher Applications:

a) Detailed information on the scoring system used to assess teacher applications, including the criteria for assigning scores during the recruitment process.

b)The minimum score required for a candidate to be considered for a teaching post within the local authority.

c)How interview scores are weighted in relation to application scores when determining the final outcome of a candidate’s application.

3. Placement Process:

a) Once teachers are scored, what is the process for placing them in specific schools or roles?

b)How does the local authority determine which successful candidates are offered
i) full-time,
ii) part-time,
iii) permanent, or
iv) temporary contracts?

4. Tracking Success Rates: Does the local authority track the success rate of applicants based on specific criteria (e.g., newly qualified teachers vs. experienced teachers)?

5. Recruitment Process Review: How frequently is the recruitment process reviewed and audited for fairness and transparency? Please provide the latest findings from any such reviews.

Response 15-11-2024

1. We do not use city wide recruitment.

2. a) Please find Policy following this link:

b) & c)  As per above

3. a) Each school undertakes their own recruitment.  Candidate with highest score appointed subject to satisfactory references, PVG and GTC check.

b) Not applicable - see above

4. No

5. The Policy was most recently updated in 2014.   

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