FOI Request - Library Services
Request 101003659599
For each calendar year - 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 to date - please could you provide the following:
1. How many people were registered to use library services at the beginning of each year?
2. How many people were banned from library services each year? Please specify when and where each ban took place and for what reason? (If accessing online content, what category of site were they banned for?)
3. How many people in total are banned from libraries in the council area?
4. How many library fines were issued each year? To how many individuals? And what was the total cost of the issued fines each year
5. How many of these were paid and what did this total?
6. How many fines ever issued by library services are still outstanding from each year and what is the total monetary value per year?
Outside of the 2020-24 timeframe, I would be obliged if you could provide the following:
7. Please list the top 10 most overdue items on loan from the library service, and where they were borrowed from, if possible? (Media title and author, please
8. How are late fees calculated and what is the cap?
Clarification sought and received 30-10-2024
Response 15-11-2024
1. Borrowers registered: 33447
Active borrowers : 14730
2. We tend not to ban people as a general rule, it needs to be exceptional circumstance. We have had 2 of those in the past 5 years and these were for aggression and violent behaviour towards staff and other library users. This was from all libraries, not any specific one.
3. 2. see point 3.
4. We did away with fines in 2023. As a result, we also had an amnesty and cleared outstanding fines on all borrower records, so we do not hold the data requested. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.
5. See point 4 - not applicable
6. See point 4 - not applicable
7. Most Overdue items:
Title Due Date Loaned at
Dinosaurs by Joseph Staunton 18/12/2017 Burghead Library
Ancient Rome by Fiona MacDonald 19/12/2017 Burghead Library
The grim ghost by Terry Deary 20/04/2018 Dufftown Library
Think me back by Catherine Forde 25/09/2018 Milne’s Library
The Demon Headmaster takes over by Gillian Cross 10/01/2019 Dufftown Library
Jammy Dodgers in deadly danger by Bowering Sivers 01/03/2019 Milne’s Library
Alyssa the snow queen fairy by Daisy meadows 04/03/2019 Mobile Library
Wishing for tomorrow by Hilary MacKay 04/03/2019 Mobile Library
The unbelievable top secret diary of Pig by Emer Stamp 04/03/2019 Forres Library
The princess and the wizard by Julia Donaldson 04/03/2019 Burghead Library
8. Not applicable