FOI Request - Adult Speech and Language Therapy Services

Request 101003657562

1. For each of the questions, we are asking for 5 years’ worth of data. If this is not available, please provide data for as far back as possible.

2. We have asked for data for adult community services, adult learning disability services and adult acute services. We are aware that the way adults services data is recorded across different areas may vary. If it is the case that you cannot split the data this way, please could you provide the data for the combined services, and specify that you have done so.

Adult Community Service
Community Definition: Outpatient speech and language therapy services in community settings (i.e. not outpatient services delivered within an acute setting), domiciliary, community hospitals, care homes etc.

1. Coverage
a. What geographical area does your speech and language therapy service cover?
b. Which HSCPs and health boards does your SLT service cover?
c. What is the estimated total population served by your SLT service?
d. How many beds in settings such as care homes, community hospitals, hospices etc. does your service cover? If your service includes provision such as hospital at home, you do not need to include this in the response.

2. How many total referrals were received by the service in 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, and 2020?

3. Please detail the following for 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021 and 2020.
a. How many adults were waiting for initial contact on 1st September*.  Please break this down by how many were waiting:
i. Less than 12 weeks
ii. 12 to 18 weeks
iii. 19 weeks to 26 weeks
iv. 27 weeks to 52 weeks
v. 1 year to 2 years
vi. over two years

b. The longest waiting time for initial contact for adults speech and language therapy on 1st September.*
c. How many adults were waiting for individualised or group therapy for speech and language therapy on 1st September.  Please break this down by how many were waiting:
i. Less than 12 weeks
ii. 12 to 18 weeks
iii. 19 weeks to 26 weeks
iv. 27 weeks to 52 weeks
v. 1 year to 2 years
vi. over two years
d. The longest wait to begin adult individualised or group speech and language therapy on 1st September, from initial contact to therapy start date.*
e. The number of patients waiting for a dysphagia assessment on 1st September. Please break this down by how many were waiting:
i. Less than 48 hours
ii. 2-10 days
iii. 10 days to 12 weeks
iv. 13 weeks to 18 weeks
v. 19 weeks to 26 weeks
vi. 27 weeks to 52 weeks
vii. 1 year+
f. The longest waiting time for a dysphagia assessment on 1st September.

*For a., b. and d., please define ‘initial contact’ as contact where the patient received input from a Speech and Language Therapist that added value to their care / moved their care forward. (This could include assessment, advice, education, signposting, but doesn’t include administrative letters or calls.) If you do not record ‘initial contact’ in this way, please provide your definition and the associated data.  

4. What was the overall budget for the community adult speech and language therapy service in the financial years 2024/2025, 2023/2024, 2022/2023, 2021/2022 and 2020/2021.

5. Please confirm how many whole time equivalent (WTE) speech and language therapists were employed in the community adult service on 1st September 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021 and 2020.

6. Please confirm how many whole time equivalent (WTE) speech and language therapist vacancies were held in the community adult service on 1st September 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021 and 2020.

7. Please confirm how many whole time equivalent (WTE) speech and language therapist assistants were employed in the community adult service on 1st September 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021 and 2020.

8. Please confirm how many whole time equivalent (WTE) speech and language therapy assistant vacancies were held in the community adult service on 1st September

Response 13-11-2024

Information not held. This request should be redirected to NHS Grampian. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.

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