FOI Request - Data Archiving

Request 101003656162

1. Have you created a data archive for some or all of your housing management data –( properties, tenancies, tenants, rent transactions, court actions, repairs, servicing data, asset data)

Yes  (some)
Yes (all)

2. Was this a bespoke solution or an “off-the-shelf” solution

3. If off the shelf, what is the product and vendor

4. How much did the solution cost to implement

5. What is the annual license fee for the solution

6. How long did it take to implement the solution

7. Please describe the technology used and the architecture of the solution.

Response 07-11-2024

1.  Yes (some)

2. Off-shelf

3. Integrated solution within NEC Housing

4. Not applicable

5. Inclusive of support and maintenance

6. Ongoing

7. Custom SQL Script

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