FOI Request - Contact With WAVE Trust

Request - 101003656090

1. Please provide any and all correspondence which you have had with the charity WAVE Trust. This includes(but is not limited to)

(a) any minutes of any meeting(s) with the charity or its representatives have had with any officer or cabinet member of the council

(b) all records of any ongoing partnerships or projects that the council has previously undertaken with the charity or is currently in the process of doing.

(c) any minutes in which the charity was referenced to at a council meeting

(d) any records of any motions which have been passed at the council in respect of the charity

(e) any subsequent actions which the council took as a result of those motions

Response 06-11-2024

1. There was a notice of motion to Education, Children's and Leisure Services Committee on 23 November 2023, about the WAVE Trust. This information is published and accessible on the Moray Council website and is therefore exempt under section 25 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, information otherwise accessible. For ease of reference please find a link to the web page here: 

Please see Item 6.

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