FOI Request - Pupil Equity Funding

Request 101003655390

1. Has the local authority ever taken a proportion of the Pupil Equity Funding received by schools in its area to a) provide a contribution towards its own central PEF support costs or b) cover costs of partnering with Police Scotland to have school based police officers (‘Campus Cops’) based on campuses in the local authority

2. If the answer to question 1a) and/or b) is yes, for each year since PEF was introduced, what was the (a) percentage of the total PEF received by local authority schools that went towards these costs each year and (b) the value of this contribution each year.

3. If the answer to question 1a) and/or b) is yes, please list any schools that have been exempt from making a contribution and the reason for this, broken down by each year since the introduction of PEF.

Response 04-11-2024

1. a) Moray Council uses a small amount of PEF towards a part time HR position. The costs for the position are allocated to schools who have staff under PEF. 

b) No costs

2. 17/18                    0%
18/19                    0.6%
19/20                    0.93%
20/21                    0.68%
21/22                    0.68%
22/23                    1.11%
23/24                    1.16%

3. As stated in question 1 schools are only recharged if they have used PEF for additional staff.

18/19                    Crossroads, Rothiemay
19/20                    Crossroads, Rothiemay
20/21                    None
21/22                    None
22/23                    None
23/24                    Glenlivet

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