FOI Request - Equal Pay Liabilities

Request 101003654187

1. The number of active equal pay claims against the council.

2. For each active pay claim listed in response to question 1, please provide the gender of the claimant.

3. The estimated cost calculated by the council for settling equal pay liabilities related to active claims. For clarity, this cost should be the sum of money identified by the council’s financial officers in the event of all active claims being successful.

4. The estimated cost calculated by the council for settling equal pay liabilities outside of active claims, including but not limited to those identified through grievances, industrial disputes, internal audits or equality impact assessments.

5. Copies of any assessment and/or modelling undertaken by the council on the potential financial impact to the council of equal pay settlements.

Response 04-11-2024

1. 0

2.- 5. Not applicable 

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