FOI Request - Community Alarm Services
Request 101003652536
1. How many people in the HSCP have used community alarm services broken down by year for the past five years.
2. How much money did the HSCP charge individuals for the use of a community alarm broken down by year for the past five years.
Response 04-11-2024
1. 2023/24 - 1,660
2022/23 - 1,530
2021/22 - 1,394
2020/21 - 1,175
2019/20 - 1,064
2. 2023/24 - Charge: £41.80 per quarter incl vat
2022/23 - Charge: £40.20 per quarter incl vat
2021/22 - Charge: £33.22 per quarter incl vat
2020/21 - Charge: £26.25 per quarter incl vat
2019/20 - Charge: £19.28 per quarter incl vat