FOI Request - Catering

Request 101003651583

1.  What are the names of the bars and restaurants that are used by the local authority at its various premises, offices and buildings and what are their names.

2.  What are the names of the bars and restaurants that are accessible to the public at its various premises, offices and buildings and what are their names.

3.  Can I ask if any of them have a public subsidy and if so how much for each establishment for each year since 2010/11 up to and including the part year of 2024/25

4.  What are the takings for drinks including alcoholic beverages in each of these premises and separately what are the takings for food and non-alcoholic beverages for each of the years and part year referred to above.

5.  What are the takings are for drinks and separately for food for all functions hosted by the local authority that are not associated with the takings of bars and restaurants referred to above.and for each year since 2010/11 up to and including the part year of 2024/25.

Response 29-10-2024

1.  N/A

2.  N/A

3.  N/A

4.  N/A

5.  We do not charge for any drinks or food at functions arranged by the Council. Any functions arranged by the Council would be, for example, an internal meeting or an internal training course.

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