FOI Request - Potholes

Request 101003649376

1.  How many potholes were reported to the council in the years 2024 (to the fullest extent), 2023, 2022, and 2021

a)  Subsequently, how many of those potholes were fixed

2.  How much money did the council spend on repairing potholes in each year listed above

Response 29-10-2024

1. and a)

Below is the number of enquires raised to the service categorised as either 'Carriageway Defects' or 'Pothole'.  These enquires could have been for 1 issue or multiple issues per enquiry.

Year 2021 2022 2023 2024 (to date)
Total Carriageway Defect or Pothole Enquiries 858 608 854 1182
Instruction Raised - Work Completed 286 209 341 385
Enquiry Closed - Duplicate 234 156 148 330

Not all enquires raised to the service will be progressed to becoming a repair. This can be for numerous reasons, such as the enquiry not being the council’s responsibility to repair.  However, to help answer Q1a, we have included the number closed off as a duplicate of an already known issue.

2. We do not hold financial data in calendar years, therefore the answers below are given based on Financial Year.

  2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25 (to date)
Expenditure on Carriageway Patching £         792,832.39 £         768,694.26 £     1,199,743.75 £         649,319.32

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