FOI Request - Teaching Staff Information
Request 101003649230
All questions below should be answered for the years 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23, 2023/24 and so far in this financial year.
The definition of supply teacher relates to the local authority register of people available to call upon to cover on a short term to cover when needed. The definition of agency teachers relates to those employed/recruited externally from agencies to cover on a short term basis or otherwise and are not supply teachers.
1. How many teachers were on temporary contracts in 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23, 2023/24 and so far in this financial year.
2. How many school support staff were on temporary contracts in 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23, 2023/24 and so far in this financial year.
3. How many other school staff (not covered by the above) were on temporary contracts in 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23, 2023/24 and so far in this financial year.
4. How many teachers went from probation onto a permanent contract in each of the above years and part year.
5. How many supply teachers were you able to call on each of the above years and part year.
5a) Of the supply teachers that you are able to call upon as per Q5, how many of those (in each of the years and part year) had 1. a guaranteed set of hours and 2. a guaranteed salary
6. How many of those supply teachers had no work in that year, how many had one week's work, how many had two weeks work, how many had between two weeks and a month's work, how many had two months work, how many had three months work, how many had between three months and six months work, how many had over six months work, and how many were employed for the full year. How many also were employed for the full time they were registered on supply.
7. What was the cost of employing the supply teachers in each of the years and part year.
8. Do supply teachers on the register have any guarantee of hours or days of work?
9. How many agency teachers were taken on in each of the years and part year.
10. What was the cost of employing the agency teachers in each of the years and part year.
Response 29-10-2024
Year | Teachers on Temporary Contracts |
2018-19 | 107 |
2019-20 | 126 |
2020-21 | 212 |
2021-22 | 273 |
2022-23 | 217 |
2023-24 | 208 |
up to 30-09-2024 | 145 |
Year | Support Staff on Temp Contracts | |
2018-19 | 66 | |
2019-20 | 81 | |
2020-21 | 83 | |
2021-22 | 122 | |
2022-23 | 99 | |
2023-24 | 90 | |
up to 30-09-2024 | 83 |
Year | Other School Staff on Temp Contracts |
2018-19 | 14 |
2019-20 | 21 |
2020-21 | 28 |
2021-22 | 43 |
2022-23 | 61 |
2023-24 | 86 |
up to 30-09-2024 | 91 |
Year | Teachers going from Probation onto a Permanent Contract |
2018-19 | 32 |
2019-20 | 10 |
2020-21 | 11 |
2021-22 | 19 |
2022-23 | 15 |
2023-24 | 14 |
Year | Number of Supply Teachers on Payroll |
2018-19 | 191 |
2019-20 | 233 |
2020-21 | 194 |
2021-22 | 191 |
2022-23 | 235 |
2023-24 | 234 |
up to 30.09.2024 | 273 |
a) None
6. We would need to check every supply teacher’s monthly pay record to get this information. This task would cost the Council in excess of £600 of staff time. In accordance with section 12 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (excessive cost), we are therefore unable to comply with this part of the request.
7. The cost is allocated in Devolved School Management (DSM) budgets and not held centrally. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.
8. No
9. 2018/19 – 2; 2019/20 – 2; 2020/21 – 1; 2021/22 – 1; 2022/23 – 1; 2023/24 – 0; 2024/25 – 0
10. 2018/19 - £21,746; 2019/20 - £22,261; 2020/21 - £12,144; 2021/22 - £8,096; 2022/23 - £886.80; 2023/24 - £0; 2024/25 - £0 (all costs exclude VAT)