FOI Request - Nature Restoration Fund

Request 101003648261

A detailed breakdown of all projects, pieces of work and pots of money that have been cut or affected by the diverting of allocation from the Nature Restoration Fund to help settle pay deals.


Response 09-10-2024

Moray Council's 2024/25 allocation of £122,000 from the Nature Restoration Fund was redirected in full.

The projects affected were publicly reported to committee on 3rd September, but for ease of reference these have been copied below:

• Continued contribution to the Scottish Invasive Species Initiative projects within Moray.
• A potential new pilot project involving school grounds and outdoor learning that will deliver multiple workstreams such as nature restoration, natural capital and climate adaptation alongside climate education.
• Progressing seasonal nature restoration or enhancement projects on council land ahead of the anticipated 2025/26 grant allocation.

Unspent funds carried forward from 2023/24 are being used to cover some of the above project work. As the financial year has not yet ended, a detailed breakdown is not possible at present. 

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