FOI Request - Sporting Rates and Deer Forests

Request 101003646518

Please note that all these questions apply to sums actually collected by the council, rather than potentially collectible sums or invoices issued and not paid.

1.  How much money was raised in your council area in sporting rates on deer forests in 2020?

2.  How much money was raised in your council area in sporting rates on deer forests in 2021?

3.  How much money was raised in your council area in sporting rates on deer forests in 2022?

4.  How much money was raised in your council area in sporting rates on deer forests in 2023?

5.  How much money was raised in your council area in sporting rates on deer forests in 2024?

6.  How much money has been raised in your council area in total on all sporting rates, since sporting rates were reintroduced in 2017 under the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2016?

Response 11-10-2024

All these figures are taken from reports run 11/10/24.

1. £15,436.01

2. £15,435.00

3. £16,882.20

4. £17,355.30

5. £17,437.47

6. The total collected for Non Domestic Rates on deer forests and shooting rights, since 01/04/2017 (up to 11/10/24), is £854,296.09.

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