FOI Request - Temporary Accommodation

Request 101003646195

1.  The longest amount of time a child has been stuck in temporary accommodation in your local authority area.

2.  The longest amount of time an individual has been stuck in temporary accommodation in your local authority area.

3.  The average time a person of any age lived in temporary accommodation in your local authority area for the fiscal year 2023-24.

4.  The number of people living in temporary accommodation for more than a year in your local authority area.

Clarification sought 08-10-2024

Clarification received 09-10-2024

Response 25-10-2024

1. The longest amount of time a child under 18 has been in temporary accommodation in Moray Council area is 587 Days which is 1.6 years. (18/8/2003 – 27/3/2005)

2. The longest amount of time an individual has been in temporary accommodation in Moray Council area is 1178 Days which is 3.22 years. (27/10/14 – 17/01/18)

3. The average time a person of any age lived in temporary accommodation in Moray Council area for the fiscal year is 2023-24 is 127.77 Average Days.

4. Since our records began there have been 117 applicants living in temporary accommodation for more than a year in the moray council area before they were rehoused.

We currently have 123 applicants living in temporary accommodation in the area and none of those applicants none of them have been there for over a year. The applicant who has resided for the longest period has been in since 18 January 2024 and is due to vacate in the next week.

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