FOI Request - Costs for Greenfingers Project

Request 101003644029

1.  Can you please provide financial detail in relation to the annual running costs of the Greenfingers project?

2.  Please provide information in relation to the number of quotes that were sought for the new amenity provision?

3.  Please provide a detailed cost breakdown of  the proposed amenity block build?

Clarification sought and received 11-10-2024

Response 15-11-2024

1.Operational running costs were £262,422 of which £255,371 was staffing

2. Costs were presented by Moray Council Estates – given the cost this was not pursued and no other quotes received.

3. Welfare Unit – Option 1 (Bothy refurbishment alternative)

Project: Greenfingers, Cooper Park - Proposed Welfare Unit

Description of the works: Proposed Welfare Unit
Estimated cost of the works £295,705.56
Property Services Costs (11%) £32,527.61
Total Project Costs - £328,233.17
All costs exclude VAT.

Welfare Unit – Option 2 (New build)

Project: Greenfingers, Cooper Park - Proposed Welfare Unit

Description of the works: Proposed Welfare Unit

Estimated cost of the works £502,334.34
Property Services Costs (11%) £55,256.78
Total Project Costs - £557,591.12

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