FOI Request - School In-Service Days
Request 101003643055
1. How many in-service days will there be in 2024/25 for:
a. Primary schools?
b. Secondary schools?
2. Which days of the week will these in-service days fall on for:
a. Primary schools?
b. Secondary schools?
3. How many in-service days will there be in 2025/26 for:
a. Primary schools?
b. Secondary schools?
4. Which days of the week will these in-service days fall on for:
a. Primary schools?
b. Secondary schools?
5. What is the policy used for setting the dates and frequency of in-service days?
6. What are they key aims and achievements of in-service days?
7. What is the reasoning behind why in-service days cannot all be held while children are on holiday?
8. Do all in-service days come within teachers’ contracts?
Response 04-10-2024
1.-4. This information is published on the Council's website and therefore exempt under section 25 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, information otherwise accessible. For ease of reference please find a link to the web page here:
5. This is the Local Negotiating Committee for Teachers (LNCT) agreement
6. Days for teachers to come together to undertake training, development, focus on improvement priorities and share practice.
7. The working year for teachers is 195 days with 190 days of pupils contact and 5 days set aside for in-service.
8. Yes