FOI Request - Children Not in School
Request 101003635560
1. How many children of compulsory school age are known to live in your LA as of 1st September 2024?
2. How many state school places for children of compulsory school age are there in your LA boundaries?
3. How many independent school places for children of compulsory school age are their in your LA Boundaries?
4. How many compulsory school age children residing in your LA are categorised as being children missing education as of 1st September 2024?
5. How many compulsory school age children are electively home educated as of 1st September 2024?
6. How many compulsory school age children residing in your LA are receiving their education outside of a school setting funded by the LA as of 1st September 2024
7. If a parent moves into your LA and requests a school place using figures from last 3 years what is the average amount of days it takes from the parental request until the child is enrolled in a school?
8. If a parent was Electively home educating and stops EHE and requests a school place using figures from last 3 years what is the average amount of days it takes from the parental request until the child is enrolled in a school?
9. If a parent withdraws there child from an independent school and requests a school place using figures from the last 3 years what is the average amount of days it takes from the parental request until the child is enrolled in a local school?
10. Dose the LA facilitate any education for the child between the parental request and school enrolment?
If no why not?
Response 01-10-2024
1. We would have to use the most recent census data from 2023 and this would indicate 12133 pupils.
2. 16285
3. Not held. This information would come from independent schools. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.
4. The number of children missing education as per the question is lower than 5. Low numbers may lead to the identification of individuals. This information is therefore exempt under Section 38(1)(b) of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Personal Information.
5. 91
6. 12
7. All requests to attend school are submitted electronically and are immediately uploaded to the central education team if they are a placing request and directly to the school if they are in zone. All placing requests are normally dealt with within a week and often more quickly, depending on responses from schools. The maximum time for a placing request to be dealt with is 8 weeks by law. In terms of schools, they are able to enrol the pupil immediately if they are in zone and if all their needs can be safely met.
8. as per 7.
9. as per 7.
10. Where there are additional needs that require to be met, temporary educational provision can be provided.