FOI Request - Work Experience Offered in Secondary Schools
Request 101003634291
The following questions all relate to work experience offered to young people in Secondary schools over the last academic year from August 2023 to August 2024. Approximated responses are acceptable please indicate if the response is approximate.
1. Do you have a work experience offer for young people who attend Secondary schools in your council?
2. Do you have staff within the central council team who facilitate work experience for your schools?
If you do not, who organises the work experience?
If you do:
a) How many staff (FTE) provide this service to your schools?
b) What is their title?
c) Can they be contacted directly by pupils or parents?
d) Is the work experience team responsible for maintaining relationships with employers through regular check-ins?
e) Does anyone else share this responsibility?
f) Is the work experience team responsible for health and safety visits/ checks?
g) Does anyone else share this responsibility?
h) How many work experience placements did they facilitate last year?
i) How many of those were related to Foundation Apprenticeships?
j) How many of those were extended part-time placements? e.g. two afternoons or 1 full day per week for longer than one term?
k) How many were extended full-time placements? e.g. 20 or more hours a week for more than one term?
l) How many were one-off part-time placements? e.g. an afternoon or day per week for one to two weeks
m) How many were one-off fulltime placements? e.g. more than 20hours a week/ 5 days a week for one to two weeks.
n) How many S1 students accessed work experience in the last year?
o) How many S2 students accessed work experience in the last year?
p) How many S3 students accessed work experience in the last year?
q) How many S4 students accessed work experience in the last year?
r) How many S5 students accessed work experience in the last year?
s) How many S6 students accessed work experience in the last year?
3. Do you maintain a database of employers who provide work experience opportunities?
Is this database shared with any other agencies i.e. SDS, DYW, Schools
4. How many employers were used to facilitate work experience placements last year?
Response 27-09-2024
1. Yes
2. Yes
a) Approximately 0.6 FTE
b) Business Support Assistant
c) Yes, but pupils and parents / carers contact School Co-ordinators / Guidance Teachers to arrange work experience placements
d) Yes
e) Yes, Health & Safety
f) No, Work Experience admin request Health & Safety reviews by a Moray Council Health & Safety Assessor
g) No
h) 218 in the last academic year
i) Foundation Apprenticeships are managed by Moray College. Work Experience admin collate insurance documents and arrange Health & Safety only
j) The duration of placements is agreed at the time of request and can be amended as required
k) Approximately 5. This type of placement requires additional approval from Head Teacher / Quality Improvement Officer
l) None
m) None, Work Experience placements are offered to S4 pupils who are due to leave education at the end of S4, and pupils in S5 and S6
n) Work Experience placements are offered to S4 pupils who are due to leave education at the end of S4, and pupils in S5 and S6. However, in the last academic year, all S2 students were provided an opportunity to undertake a virtual placement with Allied Health Professionals. 10 attended
o) Work Experience placements are offered to S4 pupils who are due to leave education at the end of S4, and pupils in S5 and S6
p) 80
q) 83
r) 45
3. Yes, WorkIT
Is this database shared with any other agencies i.e. SDS, DYW, Schools? No, but we collaborate with SDS & DYW
4. 95