FOI Request - Reported Dog Bites to Carers

Request 101003632681

1.  Details regarding the number of reported dog bites to carers who were employed or contracted by the Council in the last five years whilst attending a service user's home, in the course of employment.

2.  A copy of the Council's policy and procedures regarding the presence of dogs/animals and or any other pet in services users' homes when home carers are in attendance.

3.  A copy of the training policy provided to carers in terms of how to respond when confronted by a dogs or pets in the home of a service user.

4.  Copies of risk assessments pertaining to the presence of a dog and or any other animal or pet in a service user's home and the risk to carers caused by dogs and or any other animals, and the control measures in place to minimise this risk.

Response 19-09-2024


Year No. of biting incidents
2019 <5*
2020 0
2021 <5*
2022 <5*
2023 <5*

Numbers of 5 or less have been redacted as low numbers may lead to the identification of individuals. This information is therefore exempt under Section 38(1)(b) of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Personal Information

2. There is no specific policy; however, risk assessments are carried out on an individual basis for those with pets, and People who use the service are requested to have animals in a separate room during visits from Care at Home staff.

3. n/a

4. There are no animal specific risk assessments; however, they are included in the attached document.

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