FOI Request - Blue Badge Applications Info

Request 101003630852

1.  Do you use a 3rd party provider for your Case Management System and if so who is your provider?

2.  How many blue badge applications do you process each year?

3.  How many blue badge applications are currently outstanding and what is your current SLA?

4.  Do you use a 3rd party to support you in the delivery of your blue badge services, if so who is your provider?

Response 25-09-2024

1. Not held. The system is owned by Department for Transport. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held

2. It varies, but for 23/24 it was approximately 1400.
3. There are 3 outstanding to be processed, with the aim to complete all within 8 weeks.

4. APS to produce and send out badges to applicants.

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