FOI Request - Licensed Dog and Cat Breeders
Request 101003629209
1. Number of licensed dog breeders between 1 Jan 2022 - 31 December 2022
2. Number of licensed dog breeders between 1 Jan 2023 - 31 December 2023
3. Please provide the postcode for each dog breeder holding a licence in the calendar year 2023.
4. Number of licensed cat breeders between 1 Jan 2023 - 31 December 2023
5. Number of times licensing officers have taken action, in relation to dog breeding licensing condition ‘8.5’ – “No dog may be kept for breeding if it can reasonably be expected, on the basis of its genotype, conformation, behaviour or state of health, that breeding from it could have a detrimental effect on its health or welfare or the health or welfare of its offspring.”
a. If practical please provide a summary of action taken under clause 8.5
Response 18-09-2024
1. 1 licence in force during period specified and one application was withdrawn.
2. 1
3. AB38 7RP
4. 1
5. 0
a) Not applicable