FOI Request - Dog Fouling Prevalence
Request 101003629194
1. The number of complaints received for dog fouling in the last year (September 2023 - August 2024)
2. The number of fixed penalty notices issued for dog fouling / dog littering during the same period
3. The value in £ of those fines outlined in point 2
4. Specific locations of those FPNs outlined in point 2 [if possible] - by postcode or similar
Response 18-09-2024
1. There were 100 Reports of dog fouling received between 01/04/2023 and 31/08/2024.
2.&3. 2 Fixed Penalty Notices were issued totalling £180.00
4. The areas they were issued in were 1 x Elgin and 1 x Buckie