FOI Request - Conference Research

Request 101003623274

I am writing to make a formal request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 for information related to your organisation’s attendance at conferences.

Please could you provide the following:

1. Over the course of financial year 2023-2024 how much did your authority spend on attending conferences?
2. Which conferences did you fund for people to attend?
3. What are the job titles of people who attended conferences?

Response 11-09-2024

Spend Conference Attendees
£30 Local Authority Building Standards Scotland Annual Conference Dundee Principal Building Standards Officer
£354 Solace Conference Chief Executive
£475 COSLA Conference Chief Executive
£200 Scottish Public Services Ombudsman Annual Conference Complaints Officer
£1,408 The Association for Public Service Excellence (APSE). Aviemore Vehicle Services & Compliance Manager and Workshop Coordinator
£150 ASSIST FM Annual Conference Catering Manager
£150 ASSIST FM Annual Conference Facilities Manager
£145 Local Authority Accounting Conference Webinar - Latest Developments in Local Authority Financial Reporting and Finance Senior Accountant
£195 Highland and Islands Architectural Association Autumn Convention Principal Architect/Architect/Assistant Architect/Student Architect
£33.20 APSE Energy Scotland Event Energy Officer
£187.64 SHN Annual Gathering Head of Housing and Property
£445.50 SPDS Conference Head of HR, ICT & OD
£1710 Cosla Annual Conference Council Leader; Deputy Leader; Co-Leader of SNP Group

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