FOI Request - Products of Animal Origin

Request 101003620352

I am writing to request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000,
1. The number of illegal products of animal origin (POAO) seized and quantities of each seizure by weight, broken down by the following calendar years: 2019,2020,2021,2022,2023 and 2024 to date.
2. The total weight of illegal POAO seized (voluntary and formal), broken down by the following calendar years: 2019,2020,2021,2022,2023 and 2024 to date.
Please further break down the data by providing:
- Location of seizure (i.e restaurant, shop, factory, abattoir)
- Type of POAO (i.e meat, fish, diary, etc.)
- Reason for seizures

Response 04-09-2024 

1.& 2. Nil response. We have not seized any products of animal origin for the years stated. 

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