FOI Request - Hollow Block and Beam
Request 101003611552
I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information:
1. A list of instances, in the past 15 years, when Moray Council has found structural issues with hollow block and beam/beam and pot structures on any buildings within the authority. The list should include: the address where the issue was found, what sort of building (ie school,office etc) it, and when the issue was found
2. A list of instances, in the past 15 years, when Moray Council commissioned reports from structural engineers into structural issues with hollow block and beam/beam and pot structures on any buildings within the authority. The list should include: the address where the issue was found, what sort of building (ie school,office etc), and when the issue was found
3. Copies of those reports.
4. How much money your council spent rectifying these problems.
Response 14-08-2024
1. Moray council has no record of structural issues with hollow block and beam/beam and pot structures within our buildings in the last 15 years.
2. Moray Council has no record of commissioning any reports from structural engineers into structural issues with hollow block and beam/beam and pot structures in the last 15 years.
3. Not applicable
4. Not applicable