FOI Request - Children's Services
Request 101003610710
Please would you let me know in writing if you hold information of the following description, relating to childrens/social services:
For the following years: 2021/22, 2022/23, 2023/24:
1. The total number of referrals made to Children’s Services
E.g. “There were a total of 1,000 referrals made to Children’s Services in 2021/22, 1,100 in 2022/23…etc.”
2. The stated ethnicity of the children to whom the referral is regarding
E.g. “Of the 1,000 referrals made to Children’s Services in 2017/18, 500 were recorded as “White British,” 300 were recorded as “Black Carribean,” etc.” Where the child/children in question were recorded as “Mixed/Multiple ethnic background”, please give any further details, e.g. “mixed White British and Black African.”
3. The total number of referrals that have resulted in an assessment under section 17 of the Children Act 1989
E.g. “Of the 1,000 referrals made to Children’s Services in 2022/23, 600 resulted in an assessment.
4. The stated ethnicity of the children whom the assessment is regarding
E.g. “Of the 600 assessment made in 2022/23, 100 related to a child/children recorded as “Irish Traveller”.
5. A breakdown of the outcome of each assessment, specifying the ethnicity of the child/children in each outcome.
E.g. “2022/23: Child A, ethnicity recorded as “Bangladeshi,” the outcome of the assessment was that the child was “not in need.” Child B, ethnicity recorded as “White and Black African,” the outcome of the assessment was that the child was “in need but it was been determined that the child was not suffering, or considered likely to suffer, significant harm.” Child C, ethnicity recorded as “Chinese,” the outcome of the assessment was that the child was “and that there were concerns that the child was suffering, or considered likely to suffer, significant harm.”
Response 14-08-2024
1. 2021-22 2276
2022-23 3014
2023-24 2614
Ethnicity of Children* | 2021-22 | 2022-23 | 2023-24 |
African, African Scottish or African British | <5** | 0 | <5** |
African, Caribbean or Black - Other | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Bangladeshi, B'deshi Scottish or B'deshi British | 0 | <5** | 0 |
Caribbean/Caribbean Scottish | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Chinese, Chinese Scottish or Chinese British | <5** | <5** | <5** |
Indian, Indian Scottish or Indian British | <5** | <5** | <5** |
Mixed or Multiple Ethnicity | 44 | 44 | 58 |
Other Ethnic Group | 12 | <5** | 6 |
Pakistani, P'stani Scottish or P'Stani British | <5** | 0 | <5** |
White British | 488 | 393 | 314 |
White English | 19 | 21 | 14 |
White - Gypsy Traveller | 41 | 26 | 9 |
White - Other | 185 | 188 | 154 |
White - Polish | 29 | 23 | 16 |
White - Scottish | 722 | 638 | 520 |
White - Welsh | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Not Disclosed | 32 | 34 | 30 |
Not known/record not completed | 379 | 707 | 770 |
Total No. of Child IDs | 1960 | 2083 | 1900 |
*ethnicity counted per child ID not no. of referrals
Some children are referred more than once
** The low numbers associated with this response may result in the identification of individuals. Therefore numbers between 1 and 5 have
been redacted and marked with <5 instead. This response is exempt under Section 38(1)(b) of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - personal
3.-5. Not applicable. This legislation relates to England and Wales only.