FOI Request - Social Media Management Platform
Request 101003607778
1) Do you use a social media management platform?
2) If so, what tools do you use?
3) What is your annual spend on a Social media management tool?
4) What dates does your contract with your current supplier end ( month & year) ?
5)Do you use a social listening / media monitoring platform?
6) If so, what tools do you use?
7) What is your annual spend on a social listening / media monitoring tool?
8) What dates does your contract with your current supplier end ( month & year)
9) Who is the senior person responsible for managing these contracts?
Response 29-07-2024
1) No
2) Not applicable
3) Not applicable
4) Not applicable
5) Yes
6) Part of our newsdesk contract with Onclusive.
7) As above – no individual spend.
8) February 2025.
9) Senior Communications Officer.