FOI Request - Trading Standards Service
Request 101003606390
Which? is the UK’s consumer champion. We are currently doing some work exploring the Trading Standards landscape across the UK, including the resources departments have, demand on their services and enforcement activities.
We are therefore writing to request information on this topic pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000.
We have a number of questions around the demand for your Trading Standards Service, your resources and enforcement activities. Please see the details of the request at the following survey form. The questions are also attached for your reference, to assist you in collecting the necessary data.
We would greatly appreciate it if you could respond to the request via our survey form. Please do not hesitate to get in touch by responding to this email if you have any issues with the form. Please note that you can download a pdf of your responses upon completion of the survey, and if you enter an email address at the end of the form, a copy of your responses will be automatically sent to you for your records.
Response 09-08-2024
The information requested has been sent to the requester directly.