FOI Request - Salary Details for Health and Social Care Staff
Request 101003604557
We would like to request details of each of the salaries relating to all roles within Health and Social Care for your local authority. We are predominantly interested in roles that would ordinarily be titled as 'Care Assistant', 'Support Worker' 'Support Practitioner' ‘Home Carer’ etc, however we would like to request that the scope of the request also includes all roles carried out in a health and social care/social work context by the Local Authority.
We would like to request the following details:
• Post Title
• Grade
• Hourly rate of pay
• Annual Salary
• Scale points (if applicable)
• Details of any allowances (e.g. shift allowances, sleepover rates, overtime rates, enhanced payment rates)
In addition, can you please confirm if any pay awards or changes to pay grades are pending, or are being considered.
It would be helpful to know what the full-time hours are for each post.
Can the above information please be provided in a format which clearly identifies which pay rates correspond to each post.
Clarification sought and received 05-08-2024
Response 08-08-2024
Please find linked a list of Health and Social Care roles and the current Salary scales.