FOI Request - Flexible Working

Request 101003594445

All of these questions relate solely to registered social workers , or anyone working in a role defined as being a ‘social worker’ or ‘Mental Health Officer (MHO)’, in your employment:

1.  Do you actively offer flexible working in job adverts?

2.  How many formal flexible working requests have you received in the 2022-2023 year?

3.  How many flexible working requests have you received since the new day 1 right came into force to now?

4.  How many flexible working requests did you grant in the 2022-2023 year?

5.  How many social workers do you currently have employed with formal flexible working arrangements in place?

6.  Do you keep a record of the different types of flexible working requests you receive? If possible, can you please provide details of the types of flexible working you currently have social workers on for e.g. but not limited to:

Compressed hours
Staggered or flexitime
Reduced hours
Hybrid working

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