FOI Request - Music Lessons in Schools

Request 101003593879

1.  Does the council provide music tuition to school pupils free of charge or is the cost for music tuition in schools paid for by parents and guardians?

2.  The number of pupils in the local authority learning a musical instrument in school in the following years?

• 2018-2019
• 2019-2020
• 2020-2021
• 2021-2022
• 2022-2023
• 2023-2024

3.  If parents and guardians pay the cost of music tuition how much has this fee cost them in each of the following years?

• 2018-2019
• 2019-2020
• 2020-2021
• 2021-2022
• 2022-2023
• 2023-2024

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