FOI Request - Ask for Angela Campaign

Request 101003591273

Information you have on the Ask for Angela campaign.

1.  The yearly promotional cost of the campaign from 2016 - June 2024.

2.  The yearly training cost of the campaign from 2016 - June 2024.

3.  Breakdown of how the campaign is being implemented from 2016 - June 2024.

4.  Breakdown of how staff members are being trained under the campaign from 2016 - June 2024.

5.  Access to any training documents or literature from the campaign from 2016 - June 2024.

6.  Breakdown of the budget plans of the campaign for 2025.

7.  How many local council reports have mentioned ‘Ask for Angela’ in the last year and since the campaign started in 2016.

Response 12-07-2024

1. No cost to the council. This was a Police Scotland Campaign where Moray Council supported it as the organisation responsible for the licensing of Licensed Premises.

2. Not held, but no cost to the council. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.

3. Not held. Unknown as not implemented or managed by the Council. Exempt under Section 17 FOISA. 

4. Not held. Unknown as not a Moray Council campaign. Exempt under Section 17 FOISA.

5. Not held. Exempt under Section 17 FOISA.

6. Not held  Exempt under Section 17 FOISA.

7. As a Police campaign, it was included in the Chief Constables report at the Licensing Board Meeting of September 5 2019.

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