FOI Request - Insurance Claims Management Software

Request 101003591102

1.  Do you use claims management software to manage your insurance claims?

2.  If you do not, how do you currently manage your insurance claims?

3.  If you do use claims management software, what is the name of the software system you currently use?

4.  When is the contract for your current system up for renewal?

5.  When did you last carry out a formal tender exercise?

6.  What is the total annual cost of the system on an annual basis, over the last 5 years?

Year                 Total annual cost for claims management software

Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5


Response 03-07-2024

Q1: No

Q2: The Council uses Sharepoint as our document managing system.  All insurance claims are saved in Sharepoint by staff using a unique identifier, before they are sent to our insurers and any further communication .  Document sets in Sharepoint are used for each claim, and metadata is updated by staff for claims number, outcome etc. which are then used for reporting purposes.

Q3 - 6: N/A

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