FOI Request - Council and Provider Care Services

Request 101003590921

Council Services

1. Please provide a list of health and care services that are funded and operated by the local authority ("In House" services). This should include, but not be limited to, reablement, supported living, rapid response, domiciliary care, intermediate care and extra care etc. that are being operated by the council. If any of these services are delivered using an Arms-Length organization, NHS Trust or commissioned to third-party companies please confirm details.

2. For services identified in question 1. please can you share:

- Does the service use an electronic workforce management system including, rotas, recording contact time, electronic medication management etc?
- If they do use a system, please confirm what system is used, how much it costs annually and when is the contract end date?
- Where a system is used please can you also confirm if there are any existing plans to replace this? Is there a planned procurement exercise or market test?
- Please can you share the head of service/lead contact for any services identified in question 1)? Who is responsible for the IT system/management of the service?

Provider/Commissioned Care Services

3. Regarding commissioned care services (IE care delivered by a third party provider), does the council ask providers to use an ECM (Electronic Call Monitoring) tool? Is this one system for all providers, or a mixture of different systems please?

4. How does the council collect data (For payment, KPI management or otherwise) from providers of commissioned care services?

5. How does the council currently pay for care services? Are providers paid based on what they actually deliver, commissioned data, block payments etc? What happens if a provider delivers more or less care than the council have commissioned?

6. Is an electronic portal used for providers to submit data/information on delivery of care services?

7. Please confirm contact details for:
- The responsible officer of commissioned care
- The person(s) responsible for management of care providers
- The head/lead of the finance team processing invoices for your care providers

Response 16-07-2024

1. Care at Home
Complex and Challenging Needs Service
• Woodview; and
• Barlink
Day Services
• Moray Resource Centre
• Keith Resource Centre
• Linnburn (Rothes)
• Artiquins
• Burnie
• Cedarwood
• Greenfingers
Shared Lives
Equipment Store

2.  • Care at Home and START use Staff Plan provided by Advanced
• System overseen by the Team Manager and the system admin post.

3. Yes if appropriate - mixture of systems

4. Using a variety of methods such as monthly returns via email or submitting invoices. Not via a portal.

5. Variety of the above. Care is reduced or increased as per review processes and matched to payments/invoicing.

6. No

7. - The responsible officer of commissioned care - Lizette Van Zyl  email:

- The person(s) responsible for management of care providers - Lizette Van Zyl  email:

- The head/lead of the finance team processing invoices for your care providers - Deborah O'Shea, Chief Finance Officer email:


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