EIR Request - Environmental Info - Greenfold Farm
Request 101003590510
Site address: Greenfold Farm, Bridge of Marnoch, by Huntly, Moray, AB54 7UE
Planning application: 24/00506/APP - planning to demolish farm buildings and erect 4 houses
I am undertaking a Phase 1 environmental desktop study for this farm. It is the subject of a planning application and there is a proposed condition relating to a contaminated land investigation.
I am interested in whether the site holds any historic petrol storage licences for the farm, and also whether there have been any environmental complaints/incidents logged at the farm by the Council.
Response 12-07-2024
Trading Standards and Environmental Health records have been checked and not found any current or historic records of the site having been licensed or registered for petrol storage with the Moray Council, nor have there been any incidents or complaints logged against the farm.