FOI Request - Local Access Forums and Officers
Request 101003585475
1. Please confirm if the Council is involved in a local access forum.
2. If yes, please provide a list of membership.
3. Please confirm when the access forum last met.
4. Please confirm how many meetings of the forum have been held since January 2023.
Response 01-07-2024
1. Yes, the Council facilitates the Moray Local Outdoor Access Forum.
2. The Moray Local Outdoor Access Forum (MLOAF) acts in an advisory capacity to Moray Council on matters relating to outdoor access. MLOAF operates with 20 members with equal representation from four groups – public agencies, landowners and land managers, community groups and outdoor user groups.
3. 26 March 2024
4. 5 (21.3.23, 27.6.23, 5.9.23, 28.9.23, 26.3.24)