FOI Request - Emission Limits and Sources

Request 101003580172

1.  Since January 2022 until May 2024, how many days per year did the council exceed the limits set out in the Air Quality Standards (Scotland) Regulations 2010 for a) nitrogen dioxide, b) PM10 and c)PM2.5. Please break these down monthly.

2.  Since January 2022 until may 2024, how many days per year the council exceed the World Health Organisation (WHO) Global Air Quality Guidelines for a) nitrogen dioxide, b) PM10 and c) PM2.5. Please break these down monthly.

3.  What analysis has the council undertaken to determine what the main (top three) sources of emissions are for a) nitrogen dioxide, b) PM10 and c) PM 2.5.

Response 24-06-2024

1. Nil
2. Nil
3. Air quality is monitored across the Moray area in accordance with the UK National Air Quality Strategy, and an annual Air Quality Report is produced as required under part IV of The Environment Act 1995. Information on Moray air quality can be found on the Moray Council website at:-

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