FOI Request - Social Work Staff

Request 101003574052

1. How many qualified social workers were working on a temporary (agency) basis in your organisation on the last complete financial year, split by:

a) Children’s Services social work roles
b) Adults’ Services social work roles

2. What was the total cost per agency used in the last financial year for these services. Average cost per post filled on monthly basis?

How much last year's spend was classified as off-framework?

3. What was the average hourly margin (in £ and p) paid to recruitment agencies providing social work professionals for temporary roles during the financial year 1/4/22 to 31/3/23?

Response 18-06-2024

1.a) 5 FTE

b) None

2. a)

Total Agency Spends for Childrens Services 2023/24 £133,378
Macdonald McEwan Ltd FACTORED £77,027
Tripod Partners (FACTORED) £37,620
Taylor Davenport Resourcing Ltd £18,731

Please note, for the average cost per post filled on a monthly basis, I have provided the average cost of an Agency Social worker based on a 4-week period at 36.25 hours per week, as the hours for the Social Workers vary and I do not know the posts these are filling.

Average cost of Agency Social Worker for a 4-week period: £7,863

b) Spend classified as off-framework: Not held. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.

3. Not held. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.

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