FOI Request - Housing for Homeless

Request 101003573501

Social/council/ permanent and settled housing for homeless. Each year is a calendar and all time periods should include the part year of 2024.  

1. How many people, including children, were on your waiting list for permanent and settled social/council housing as of this date May 22 this year, and on each May 22 (or nearest date) in the years 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019 and 2018 and in 2011 and 2012.  Feel free to use another date as a snapshot reference point if it is easier.

2. How many of those in each year and part year were either homeless or had been homeless and were living in temporary accommodation.

3. How many in each year and part year were children?

4.How many in each year and part year were offered homes?

5. How many of those were rejected for inclusion on the waiting list for each year and part year and what were the reasons.

6. How many were taken off the waiting lists in each year and part year.

7. How many of those were taken off waiting lists due to death in each year and part year.

8.. What is the average waiting time in each year and part year.

9. How many have waited over five years to be housed in each year and part year

10. What is the longest current outstanding waiting time for any individual in each year and part year and why did it take so long?

11. How many have been rejected for social/permanent/settled housing in each year and part year.

12. Do you impose a ban on people applying who do not have a local connection? If so, when was that ban introduced and how many people have been rejected on those grounds in each year and part year mentioned above.

13.  How many have been rejected because they are considered "intentionally homeless" in each year and part year.

Response 21-06-2024

Please find the information requested here. 

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