FOI Request - Households with Children in Temporary Accommodation

Request 101003573488

I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following data pertaining to households with children in temporary accommodation.

If any part of the data cannot be provided, please provide the rest and clearly mark which is not available and explain why. This FOI is similar to one filed in January, but refers to different time periods.

Please provide the data for three (3) time periods: end of March 2024, end of June 2023, end of March 2023

1a. Number of households with children aged under 5 in temporary accommodation
1b. Number of households with children (under 5) in temporary accommodation for more than 6 weeks
1c. Number of households with children (under 5) in temporary accommodation for more than 6 months

2a. Number of households with children aged under 5 in b&b temporary accommodation
2b. Number of households with children (under 5) in b&b temporary accommodation for more than 6 weeks
2c. Number of households with children (under 5) in b&b temporary accommodation for more than 6 months

Response 13-06-2024

The information requested can be found here.

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