FOI Request - Homeless Applications and Unsuitable Accommodation Orders

Request 101003573097

All the questions when referencing time periods includes the part year of 2024.

1. How many homeless applications were made to the local authority so far in 2024, in 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019 and 2018 and in 2011 and 2012.

2. How many adults and separately children were affected in those applications.

3. How many in each year and part year were a) Ukranian asyslum seekers or refugees b) other non-UK asylum seekers or refugees) Non-Scottish British, in other words from England, Wales or Northern Ireland  d) Scottish

2. How many of those applications in each year (including the 2024 part year)were assessed and accepted as homeless.

3. How many in each year and the part year above were rejected and what were the reasons?

3a How many of those in each year and the part year were rejected because it was considered they were "intentionally homeless".

3b How many of those in each year and part year were rejected because they do not have a local connection? And when did the 'local connection' condition if it exists get brought in.

4. How many homeless in each year and part year were housed in temporary or interim accommodation.

4a How many of those housed in each year and part year were placed in bed and breakfast or hotel establishments.

4b.  How many each in year and part year were housed immediately and directly into temporary accommodation

4c) How many in each year and part year  were a) Ukranian asyslum seekers b) other non-UK asylum seekers c) Non-Scottish British  d) Scottish

5. How many in each year and part year were housed directly into settled or permanent accommodation (meaning that they did not go through an interim or temporary step first)

5a) How many in each year and part year  were a) Ukranian asyslum seekers b) other non-UK asylum seekers c) Non-Scottish British  d) Scottish

6. What was the average waiting times for temporary/interim accommodation in each year (and the part year).

7. What was the longest waiting time for temporary/interim accommodation in each year and part year.

8. What was the longest current outstanding wait time.

9. How many were taken off the waiting lists for temporary/interim accommodation in each year and part year and why?

10. How many people were taken off wait lists for temporary/interim accommodation due to death?

11. What is the average stay and the longest stay within temporary/interim accommodation.

12.  How many breaches of the unsuitable accommodation order has there been so far in 2024 and in 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019 and 2018 and in 2011 and 2012.

13.  How many properties were you able to call on for use as temporary accommodation for the homeless in each of the years and part year

14.  How many properties were you able to call on for use as settled/permanent accommodation for the homeless in each of the years and part year

15.   How many people were sleeping rough in your area in each of the years and part year.

16.  How many people died in temporary/interim accommodation in each year and part year.

Response 18-06-2024

Please find the information requested here.

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