FOI Request - Council Tax Arrears and Liability Orders

Request 101003570218

1.  I would like to make a freedom of information request for the number of people in your LA currently in council tax arrears.

2.  And the number of people in council tax arrears in your LA May 2022/2023.

3.  The number of people in council tax arrears in your LA 2018/2019.

4.  The number of liability orders made in 2023/24 in your LA.

5.  The number of liability orders made in 2022/23 in your LA.

6.  The number of liability orders made in 2021/22 in your LA.

Response 04-06-2024

1. Not held. Moray Council does not record the number of people in Council Tax arrears. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.
2. See answer to question 1
3. See answer to question 1
4. Nil
5. Nil
6. Nil

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