FOI Request - Landlord Details for Commercial Properties

Request 101003559976

I am reaching out on behalf of Precision Water Limited. We are currently assisting a client in ensuring fair and accurate billing for water and/or sewerage consumption in commercial properties within your jurisdiction.

As part of our efforts, we are seeking information regarding the landlords of these commercial properties, specifically their name, premises address, and forwarding address. This information is crucial for our client to maintain transparency and fairness in their billing processes.

Could you kindly provide us with the following details for each commercial property within your area:

Landlord Name:
Building/Premises Address:
Forwarding Address for the Landlord:

Response 13-05-2024

We can confirm that we may hold this information; however, this is not guaranteed since it is the person liable to pay NDR whose details we would definitely hold. That person is not necessarily the same as the property owner. Nonetheless, we are unable to release as this information is exempt under Section 38(1)(b) of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Personal Information.

Please feel free to contact Registers of Scotland, who hold the Land Register of Scotland:    

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