FOI Request - Education Policies and Information

Request 101003559450

1.  Do you have a transitions policy for children and young people transitioning within education?

a.  Is your transitions policy one policy for all transitions (i.e. home to early learning and childcare (ELC), ELC to primary school, primary school to secondary school, secondary school onwards)?
b.  Can you send me a copy of all of your transitions policy or your one policy or point me to where I will find it.
c.  Who is your transitions policy for? (i.e. education staff, children, or parents/ families, all, someone else?) (apply to all policies if there is more than one).
d.  Who was involved in the creation of the transitions policy? (apply to all policies if there is more than one).
e.  When was the transition policy last reviewed? (apply to all policies if there is more than one).
f.  What process is in place for reviewing / evaluating the success and/ or impact of transitions using the policy? (apply to all policies if there is more than one).

2.  What percentage of primary schools in your authority currently offer play-based learning in
a) P1
b) P2
c) P3
d) P4

3.  Do you have a local authority play-based learning policy?
a)  Can you send me a copy of this?
b)  Are staff trained on play based learning in schools in your authority?
c)  What training do they receive?
d)  What percentage of staff have currently received this training (if training is available)?

4.  What percentage of primary schools in your authority currently offer outdoor play and learning?

a)  P1
b)  P2
c)  P3
d)  P4

5.  What percentage of primary schools in your authority currently implement National Standardised Assessments for Scotland in P1?

6.  What is the percentage of primary one pupils who started school at age 4yrs old over the last 5yrs?

7.  What percentage of primary one pupils deferred have deferred school start over the last 5yrs for

a)  Children born in January and February
b)  Children born August to December

8.  What percentage of pupils are currently home educated in your authority?

a)  Primary school pupils
b)  Secondary school pupils

9.  What is the current criteria/ policy for a child or young person to access a school nurse in your authority (please send me a copy of the policy)?

a)  In primary school’s mainstream
b)  In secondary school’s mainstream
c)  In primary special needs schools
d)  In secondary special needs schools

10.  What percentage of schools currently have a school nurse based in them permanently for?

a)  Primary school mainstream
b)  Primary school special needs
c)  Secondary school mainstream
d)  Secondary school mainstream
e)  Schools that are one building for primary and secondary – mainstream
f)  Schools that are one building for primary and secondary – special needs

11. What information is available currently to children, parents, and families on how to access a school nurse

a)  In primary schools mainstream
b)  In secondary school’s mainstream
c)  In primary special needs schools
d)  In secondary special needs schools

Response 28-05-2024

1. Transition information is held in individual school handbooks which can be found here - Schools have responsibility for updating this as and when required.

2a) - 97
b) - 92
c) - 82
d) - 74

3. No
a) N/A
b) Yes
c)  Training via Greg Botrill, Anna Ephgrave, Moray Play Pedagogy, Personal CPD, Northern Alliance
d) We would have to read through every member of staff’s file to get this information. This task would cost the Council in excess of £600 of staff time. In accordance with section 12 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (excessive cost), we are therefore unable to comply with this part of the request.

4a) - 97
b) - 97
c) - 92
d) - 90

5. All schools engage with National Standardised Assessments (NSA) where they have P1 pupils/cohorts (96%).

6.& 7.                            

      Deferred Entry
Year P1 Pupils Aged 4 at entry (% DOB Jan-Feb DOB Aug-Dec
2023/24 836 38% 9% 6%
2022/23 883 37% 10% 6%
2021/22 929 38% 10% 5%
2020/21 971 43% 9% 4%
2019/20 929 42% 7% 3%


8. Primary – 0.13% & Secondary – 0.38%

9. – 11.  Not held. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held. We recommend contacting NHS Grampian for this information.

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