FOI Request - Neurological Third Sector Funding
Request 101003558395
How much funding has Moray Council has provided to neurological third sector organisations over the last 5 years? Specifically, groups that primarily deal with epilepsy (Epilepsy Scotland, Epilepsy Connections, Quarriers (non-clinical funding)), cerebral palsy (Cerebral Palsy Scotland), multiple sclerosis (MS Society Scotland), Parkinsons (Parkinsons UK) and motor neuron disease (MND Scotland).
Response 21-05-2024
Last 5 years:
motor neuron disease (MND Scotland): -
epilepsy (Epilepsy Scotland, Epilepsy Connections: -
Quarriers (non-clinical funding): £78,364
cerebral palsy (Cerebral Palsy Scotland): -
multiple sclerosis (MS Society Scotland): -
Parkinsons (Parkinsons UK): -