FOI Request - Energy Consumption

Request 101003558340

We thank you for last year’s response and inclusion within our report and now look forward to seeing your inclusion again within our new report. For the period 1-April-23 to 31-March 2024, we please require disclosure of: -

1.  The grid Electricity kwh’s consumed & the £-value spent (excl-vat).

2. The natural Gas kwh’s consumed & the £-value spent (excl-vat).

Response 21-05-2024

Data as of 8 May 2024 for the period 1-April-23 to 31-March 2024.

1.  The grid Electricity kwh's consumed & the £-value spent (excl-vat).
13,711,825kWh & £4,204,864

2. The natural Gas kwh's consumed & the £-value spent (excl-vat).
22,876,165kWh & £1,326,003

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