FOI Request - Community Bus Fund 23/24

Request 101003557534

I would like to request 1. information about the £215,000 of capital funding allocated to Moray Council in 23/24 as part of the Community Bus Fund.

Can you provide 2. information on what this capital funding has been used for, or will be used for? I am just looking for a short description, or link to relevant minutes/part of website.

Response 20-05-2024

1. The Capital funding has not been fully committed as yet, and there is no requirement to spend within the scope of the scheme to spend the capital funding within the last financial year.

Committed to date - £153,860 for two minibuses to provide fleet resilience in the provision of the m.connect network across Moray.

Still to be committed - £61,140 (see introductory comment).

2. Not held. Details of what the funding will be used for are not decided at this stage. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.

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